“Flip Seven”

Flip Seven is a unique coin flipping game that was created in April of 2019 by Jason DeStefano and released on July 7, 2019. The game is based on the same concept as DDD’s older game Flip Five but also includes the new game dynamic of a reflip option as well as seven quarters instead of five.

Players take turns flipping coins in an effort to accomplish some specific outcome goals. The first player to reach all of the goals wins. Flip Seven is extremely fast paced, and is designed for 2-7 players. To play, you will need 7 quarters, a flat playing surface such as a table, the Flip Seven Instruction Booklet, and Flip Seven score-sheets.

PDFs of Flip Seven’s official instructions as well as printable Flip Seven score-sheets can be downloaded below for free.

GAME TITLE: “Flip Seven”
RELEASE DATE: July 7, 2019
CREATOR: Jason DeStefano
PUBLISHER: Divinity Digital Development


Download  Flip Seven Instruction Booklet                Download  Flip Seven Score Sheets